We are a traditional Church of England parish church with an emphasis on helping folk to know and live out the good news of Jesus Christ.
There is an emphasis on listening to God, not least through the Bible, and allowing God's Spirit to build us up as a family of all ages. In this way we are helped to meet the challenges we all face and are also encouraged to offer a measure of healing to the brokenness inevitably encountered in a beautiful but broken world.
For baptisms and weddings etc please contact the vicar: vicarofchalk@hotmail.com
01474 567906
The Church is in
Church Lane off the A266 Rochester Road (DA12 2NL)
Booking the Parish Hall
Please contact:
Sue Hammock 07591 977 832
Latest Annual Report & Financial Statements
This Site...
This site is a simple page for the Vicar's messages and will provide a link to the main church website.
Currently, that site is also under construction. Please bear with us as we juggle many things and, not least, the development of both sites.
Thank you!
We at St Mary's, Chalk take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously.
We are committed to take all steps within our power to keep children and vulnerable adults safe from all forms of harm while on our premises.
If you have any concerns or worries concerning safeguarding issues, please speak to
our parish safeguarding officer, Mrs Barbara Millatt
(email: barbaramillatt@hotmail.com)
or the vicar
The Revd Nigel Bourne (vicarofchalk@hotmail,com) 01474 567906
or the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser 01634 560000
or National Helplines:
Child: 03000 411 111
Adult 03000 416 161
Coming Up / Recent Events...
Services etc for February (at St Mary's unless stated otherwise)
Wednesday 5th 9:30am Holy Communion at the Parish Hall
Sunday 9th 8:30am Holy Communion 10:30am Family/All Age Service
Wednesday 12th 9:30am Holy Communion at the Parish Hall
Wednesday 26th 9:30am Holy Communion at the Parish Hall
Last service in JANUARY:
Wednesday 29th 9:30am Holy Communion at the Parish Hall
Below: Recent Event at the Parish Hall
We Meet Every Sunday at 10.30am
We sometimes post on the Village Facebook sites
Chalk (Gravesend) Past and Present
Chalk People and Opinions
(the latter site can be reached via:)